
Does green tea cause crazy dreams??

I think I may have pinpointed the problem (if you call this a problem). I think another reason I keep having incredible dreams is that I'm waking up in the middle of them... i.e. I have to get up way too soon after I go to bed. This isn't my choice, people! I get off at Heine Bros. around 11 pm and have to go in at Gap at 7 am, sometimes 6. Thursday morning I had to be at Gap at 6 am, and my downstairs neighbors decided they'd watch a movie that was full of explosions and machine guns around 11:30 pm. Grand! This didn't end until around 12:30, and I couldn't sleep for about another 20 minutes because I was so mad and nervous that I would oversleep. And oversleep I did... but only by about 25 minutes. I made it to work on time, albeit tired.

BUT! The point of this is that I had another incredible dream. In my dream, there was a talent show, and the talent show was entirely on ice. As in ice skating. Awesome. I know that Lindsey and Derek were in on my groups entry, as well as Cameron, and I can't remember who else was with us, but in all there were about ten people involved in our talent show submission.

Cameron (ha, I just typed Camerson) wrote an entire skit for us, which went as follows. Each of us in the group represented someone who was in their mid- to late-30's. We each had a kid in high school. As we dropped our kids off at high school, we were sad, considering none of us had finished high school ourselves. We each respectively desired to go BACK to high school and get our diploma. Next scene, we are all in a class together. Particularly History class. We are so thrilled with our high school experience that we apparently really get into our studies, and the history book comes to life! We then each represent a different character from the book. I don't remember anyone's character but my own... I was to be the American Indian and wear a head-dress and full Indian garb (including some sort of feather covered gloves?). The entire time I was thinking "I can't ice-skate without all of this crap on, how am I supposed to do this with 20 pounds of extra clothing??" Thankfully my dream ended just before the talent show started. + 100 points for an extreme awesome dream.


News to some, Redundant for others...

I know I've told some of you (who read this) about this already, but I know the others will highly enjoy it, too...

I've been a dreamin' machine this week! A few nights ago I had a dream that someone was trying to kill me (and someone else we know, I can't remember who it was, though). It was a sniper who had a team that would call my cell phone and tell me to move a little to the right or left... Obviously I was way smarter than that and would move the other direction. +10 smart points for Abigail.

On Monday night I had a dream that a lot of my friends (that should read "us") and I were living in a beach-front dorm. We were watching the water and the moon when the moon was suddenly pulled down (veeeeeery quickly) by some weird force. Then we all realized that the ocean was pouring over an edge. Like any typical horror movie, we all ran inside and upstairs. Smart, huh? (-5 smart points for Abigail). While waiting for something to happen, I wondered if I had time to use the bathroom. I walked out into the hallway and peeked through the blinds to see how quickly the edge of the ocean was approaching, only to see that our building was about to be sucked into the mysterious pit. My first instinct was to hold my nose to be ready for the underwater experience. To my surprise, there was no current at the bottom of the pit, just a bunch of people swimming around and not being freaked out. Awesome? Maybe. During the whole dream I kept thinking "this is just like the plot of [a non-existent horror movie that I made up]." I need to send that idea to M. Night Shamalamadingdong, or Alfred Hitchcock. Wait...

+25 awesome dream points for Abigail.

I'm still looking for jobs. I'm sooooooooooooooo tired of putting in all of my information and forwarding and re-forwarding my resume and typing up new cover letters for employers who NEVER call me back. It seems like the biggest waste of time, and I'm so sick of effing spam jobs and being directed to other websites that want my personal information. It shouldn't be this hard to get through to some employers. I have management experience! I stayed at one job for 9 years! I have a FREAKIN' degree! Hire me already! I'm probably way better than that jerk that you hired straight out of high school, and I'm probably way more worth the money you're giving them. Seriously.


Hello to more readers than I thought :)

That is pleasant, it is. A fly has landed in my hair at least three times since I got to Heine Bros.

It got stuck once, so far.

Dani and Matt (!!!!) were here for a few days. I should say more about that, but seriously, what do I even say? It was ah-mazing. O-mazing, even. I can. not. wait. until they move home.

I'm ready and willing to join a church soon... I'm thinking about getting into the new members class at Sojourn, even though I've only attended a couple of services.

I feel stupid typing this at work.



You're so down home, girl.

I LOVE finding out that I'm still in love with things I used to be in love with. I push live bluegrass off like an acquaintance and forget how happy it makes me... It's like running into an old best friend.

Warning - this next part is a peering into a part of my brain that I might should keep to myself, but I have to say: I could fall in love with any man that can play several instruments and carry a tune.


New bands to check out, if you haven't already:

Justin Townes Earle

The Felice Brothers

Do it. Do it. Do it.

If you're reading this, I probably miss you. I almost guarantee it's just Lynsey :)


Why is Panera SO COLD?

I'm really torn about which job I will quit when I am hired full time somewhere (and I WILL be hired full time somewhere... hopefully very very soon). I like both of them more than the other on different days. Buh.

Yesterday I went running/walking in my neighborhood (in the hours between the monsoons). I had intended to be gone for an hour when I left, then changed my mind and decided maybe 30-45 minutes was good. I thought I was making a circle, but I apparently had made some sort of really awkward loop and ended up lost... for a good half hour. Luckily I was toting my iPod for musical support, and it helped me in two ways: I found WiFi in front of someone's house and used the maps app. to get directions (haaaaa) and, once I got close to home (but not quite close enough) an old school Norma Jean song came on and made me run like someone was chasing me. This was perfect due to the fact that I walked into my apartment about 30 seconds before the second tsunami of the day. Woo!

Mistake number 2 of the day happened when I mixed up two porta-filters at Heine Brothers and put one without a basket on the espresso machine... coffee everywhere, especially in ma face. This was hilarious to me, and to the customer who ordered the latte, but everyone else was freaking out. Ah well. Plus! I am pretty sure God pressured me to wear glasses yesterday because if I hadn't been wearing them I would have had hot, wet coffee grinds in my eyes. Wonderful.

I really hope some of you guys are actually reading this... I'm going to pretend that you are, even if you aren't. Ha!