
Things get on my nerves.

Politically and oil spill speaking, that is.

I wish people would pay attention to what's going on before they make comments on public websites. I pretty much never enter a political conversation unless I'm SURE I know what's up. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Apparently there are thousands who are more than willing to do so. Here is what I have to say in response:

A) Obama was not born before Hawaii was a state. End of discussion.

B) The oil spill was not an accident. End of discussion.

C) Oil is part of the CORE of the earth, and will mother nature will NOT clean herself up. End of discussion.

D) Please stop slapping labels on political parties/countries because one or more of that political party has/have said/done ignorant things. End of discussion.

And please, customers of businesses everywhere, do NOT hand employees of said business wet money. It's disgusting. Also, please don't be angry if I can't hold a straight face and/or not dry heave when I'm handling the wet money you just gave me. ha.

In other news, I was called a weed-smoking, unprofessional hippie over the phone tonight by a guy who got a bad drink at a different store. My life is awesome.


The life of an English Major...

I think perhaps the reason I don't remember a whole lot about my childhood or high school is because I didn't have the skills to analyze all the stuff that was going down. When I got to college, I got interested in English because, hey, everyone has to write papers, and why not be good at it?

English taught me to analyze, which could have been the best or worst skill set I would ever pick up. Analyzing helps me remember pretty thoroughly what is going down in my life. Recently it has helped me think about the whole Dad situation. Not that it makes me feel much better, but it does calm me to pick apart how I feel and put it into categories, etc. I know I look like some sort of freak... haha...

Another big part of me is a very free spirit, or in some areas, a spirit that longs to have more freedom. I think I'm stuck because I'm afraid of what some of my friends/family will think of me. It's funny, I kind of push the envelope every once in a while, being fully who I am in front of people who haven't been able to put their finger on me yet. I think some might be scared of that, or just confused by it. I feel at home at Heine Brothers, or with Lindsey and Derek, Daphne and Eric (ha, that rhymes!), and a few other places. But sometimes I'll spend time with people I know, but not totally well, but I still love them quite a bit. Here's where the analyzing comes in.

I get forgotten a lot among friends. Sometimes I think it's because I'm unmarried, and un-significant-othered. A lot of times, I'm completely right. I went to Disney World last year for the CCCA Conference with my co-workers... and their wives. I LOVE their wives, don't get me wrong... But, I didn't love going to Disney World as the 5th wheel, and the person everyone was awkwardly trying to figure out how I would end up on a ride... with who??? On more than one occasion I ended up completely alone. I actually went to Downtown Disney, alone. I ate at Ghirardelli's ice cream shop, alone. It sucked.

It left me thinking about why I was ditched, why was I left out? Does my personality get in the way of real conversation? Do I drive a good time into the ground?

Bottom line for me is that I always feel like I'm walking on glass as far as keeping friends goes, and then I start thinking about marriage, and how I will fail in that department, which I will NOT go into.

I need to say something positive... aaaaand it's that I'll be watching the USA world cup game tomorrow... and we better win!


If you're feelin' what I'm feelin' c'mon...

I just sneezed so hard while trying to hold it in that I'm pretty sure I woke the neighbors. There are some guys smoking on the porch across the pool, and I think they're trying to figure out if someone is out here. I'm just glad I have a screened in porch that I can utilize at 4 am while watching the storm :).

I'm trying to figure out a few things:

A) Why can't I go to sleep before 4 am for the past two weeks? Why am I WIDE AWAKE right now???

B) What to do with the rest of my life.

C) How to get myself back into the routine of a normal person.

D) If I'll ever meet the other people in these condos that stay up as late as I do.

I've had this strange obsession with music lately that I'm pretty okay with. There are certain bands that make me feel good on the inside. I can totally imagine myself at an outdoor arena with a beer (or in my case, a cider/or something more tastey... I just say beer so I don't break the vibe you're getting, since I know I'm the only one in my circle of friends that doesn't really care for it... back to what I'm saying in 3, 2, ...) in my hand, surrounded by dreamers like myself. I wrote on Tumblr how I was upset with myself for screwing up all of my chances at a good music festival this summer, which was kind of a goal for me to accomplish in 2010. Too late! Too much to do! Boo. I'm crossing my fingers that WFPK will pull off an amazing Waterfront Wednesday in July or August. Last August's Old Crow/Felice Brothers/Justin Townes Earle/Gillian and Dave show will be hard to top. I'm ready, FPK. Bring it on.

Bands I've just discovered that I'm looking forward to listening more to include: Delta Spirit, Grizzly Bear, Vandaveer, and Zeus.

A new website I'm obsessed with is La Blogoteque. Amazing stuff! It's quite a few videos of quite a few bands (and I mean quite a FEW) playing uncut street-ish shows that are extremely entertaining. Mostly because you get a peak at what most of the bands/artists are like in a fairly intimate setting.

One last note:

Every time I watch a video of Vampire Weekend, the only thing I'm really interested in seeing is their drummer (who seems to have the most entertaining enthusiasm of all of them). I continue to get more and more frustrated because he shows up in about 5% of EVERY video!!! No matter what it is! A Take Away Show, a live recording, anything! What the heck, people?

I'm a slightly happy girl tonight after not getting accosted while waiting 45 minutes for the train to move - my brother talked to me on the phone the entire time (which is a very rare occurrence, believe me) - and sitting at 4 am, outside, watching the storm. I love my porch.