
Well, that was a bust...

The cat was, in fact, a female. Not Bruce. But I'm finding that he is a pretty normal looking cat, which doesn't really help me at all. Since I haven't been able to find him, I feel like someone has probably taken him in and their kid fell in love with Bruce-cat, and they don't want to give him up, even though there's a poster with his picture on it on their front door. Aboo. It hurts my feelings less than thinking he's hiding, freezing, and hungry outside. Or worse, dead.

Anyway, this week was horrid, and I won't go into a lot of detail. It's weird how I don't realize how raw my emotions really are until I'm stressed again. Big time stressed.

It sucks to be judged by someone you've never judged. It also sucks to watch someone extremely wholesome and awesome be brought down while his/her incredible reputation fades. I hate not being able to fix something (particularly this one thing), and anything I do just makes me look bad... well, at least to one person. I hate, hate, hate feeling like I'm losing a really good friend over something she didn't cause. All that aside, this last week, and especially yesterday, made me feel like maybe I SHOULDN'T be the only family member not on some sort of anti-anxiety med.

On a better note, I got to hang out with my incredibly cute niece and nephew today, and tomorrow I get to hang out with my other nephews. Thank God for non-dramatic people.



I'm not forgetting about this blog, but I'm posting short stuff on Tumblr just because it's so TEMPTING! The rss feed is to the right over there. I feel like it's easier to post short, small stuff on it. You can also post one mp3 a day. Fun stuff.

SO! My cat got out the other day. I haven't found him yet. He's an indoor-only cat who is scared as hell of traffic, and we live about 40 feet from the wall of I-264. That's not a joke, and I'm not exaggerating. I want him to be safe and warm! I called the humane society today and they told me they had just received a black stray cat, but they didn't know the gender. They told me to look at their website for a picture, and I really honestly think it's him. The spot on it's chest is identical to Bruce's.

Other stressful things are happening. I think typing it out will just heighten the stress. Ew.

I have recently fallen in love with the following:

-The Buried Life of MTV fame. It's amazing.

-Sleeping in beds with dogs.

-Not snow. Or shoveling it.


I'm being sneaky...

I'm pretty close to getting myself into something (good) that pretty much no-one would expect of me.

Secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you are the secretive one!

I'm not telling anytime soon, either. :D